Amateur radio inventions handmade in NZ by Chris Day ZL1CVD
RF Interference
Addressing Interference from a New Accessory
Proximity Maintain distance between the antenna and the accessory whenever possible.
Grounding Ensure proper grounding in your shack to minimize interference.
Cables Keep accessory cables as short as practical. Coil up excess cable to prevent radiation / RFI reception. Run signal cables away from antenna coax cables. Use clip-on ferrite beads if necessary.
Power Supply Verify the power supply's capability to provide required voltage and current, especially under full load, such as during transmission.
Mitigating RF Interference
CAT Baud Rate Experiment with different baud rates to find an interference-free setting.
Coaxial Cable Inspect and secure coaxial cable connections to minimize interference.
Grounding Ensure robust grounding for the transceiver to reduce common mode currents.
EMI Suppressors Attach clip-on RFI ferrite suppressors to data cables for interference reduction.
Antenna Relocation Experiment with different antenna placements to minimize interference.
Isolate Cabling Keep power, data, and coaxial cables separate to reduce cross-talk.
RFI Filters Install filters on power and signal lines to suppress interference.
Why Grounding Matters
Good grounding is crucial for a safe, reliable, and noise-free amateur radio installation. It safeguards equipment, operators, and enhances overall communication system effectiveness by minimizing interference and maintaining signal integrity.
Safety Prevents electrical shocks and establishes a safe path during faults or lightning strikes.
RFI Mitigation Minimizes radio frequency interference (RFI) by dissipating unwanted signals to the ground. Proper grounding prevents interference with desired signals.
Static Dissipation Discharges static electricity, especially vital in dry or windy conditions.
Lightning Protection Provides a safe path for lightning, reducing potential equipment damage.
Equipment Performance Contributes to optimal functioning, reducing the risk of damage.
Regulatory Compliance Adheres to regulations and standards, a necessity for amateur radio operators.
Further RFI Resources
For a deeper understanding of RFI & effective mitigation strategies, there is a very good guide by K9YC
A Ham's Guide to RFI, Ferrites, Baluns, and Audio Interfacing.
This resource provides insights into the causes of RFI and specific steps to reduce or eliminate it.
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